Q and A: How to Dress While on Crutches?

Dressing up and Crutches? Doesn’t sound like a match made in heaven. But who says you can’t look good while on crutches? Find out what works and what doesn’t as we answer some of your wardrobe questions.

What is the easiest way to get dressed?

If there’s no one to lend a hand, lying down on the bed is the best way. Never try dressing up standing or while on crutches because you run the risk of falling down and doing your injured foot more damage.

Can I wear high-heeled shoes?

In terms of ability, you definitely can, but we discourage wearing one especially if you are using traditional underarm crutches. You need all the balance you can get, and the hard cast gives you added weight. So before you put on those high-heeled shoes consider the risk of twisting your good ankle or falling down on your injured leg. Not such a good thought after all.

Can I wear jeans?

Of course, as long as it is not too tight. You should be able to easily slide in your injured foot, and should be able to sit, bend, and walk around comfortably in it.

I’m going to a fancy dinner, should I wear a long gown or a short dress?

Either would be okay, but shorter dresses (think knee-length) work best. Avoid dressing up in floor length gowns as your crutches may snag on them which may either cause your gown to rip or worse, cause you to fall. Make sure to wear something with sleeves or add a cardigan to act as a buffer to avoid rubbing & irritating your skin from the contact of crutches. Better yet, loose the crutches and go in with an alternative device like the Hands Free Crutch or Knee Scooter, and just have a blast!

There’s a beach party that I’m going to, what can I wear and how do I keep my balance on crutches?

You can wear what you would normally wear on the beach. If you are using underarm crutches, wear a t-shirt to avoid the rubbing. For the balance, you can get beach pads for your crutches. Be careful with sand going into your cast, and keep it dry. Traditional crutches are not really suitable for the beach. You can check out the Hands Free Crutch, as it works well with sand, and it elevates your foot so you don’t get to rest your foot on the sand. It also frees up your two hands, so it’s definitely worth looking into.

What can i wear during winter?

Best to wear something that’ll keep you warm and is easy to slip on, like sweatshirts & sweatpants. You can get Toe Warmers for your injured leg to warm your toes up. Traditional crutches may be hard to use on snow and ice, try looking into other alternative devices.

What clothes would you recommend wearing for fancy occasions?

Choose tops that are not prone to wrinkles, and those that don’t have loose or dipping necklines to avoid wardrobe disasters. (Crutches catch clothes, and could bunch them together.) Choose those that have sleeves or use a bolero or jacket over it. Choose a color that suits you, and a bottom that makes you comfortable and covers you even when you bend. Focus on your upper body to direct the eyes away from your cast. Wear comfortable, supportive, neutral colored shoes.

Remember, have fun dressing up, but always choose something you’d be comfortable in and wear something that keeps your injured leg safe.