New Statistics Regarding Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is not indicative of national health because it is usually used for its cosmetic purposes. In this regard, it somehow shows the economic ups and downs of the nation as it reflects how the people can afford these aesthetic procedures. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has published the statistics for plastic surgery for the year 2011.

In this report, there is about 1% increase in cosmetic surgical procedures compared to the 2010 statistics. On the other hand, the minimally invasive procedures seemed to have decreased by 2%. If we are to interpret these results, this would mean that people are now more confident on surgical procedures which have long-lasting effects than non-surgical ones.

Non-invasive treatments are also becoming in demand but there are plenty of people nowadays who want to undergo plastic surgery in order to see results that would ultimately last for a long time even if they are risking their lives in the process. There are new technologies being developed and used for performing surgeries which greatly aid in safety and success of the procedure. That could be the reason why they are becoming more confident in going under the knife.

In 2008, liposuction is the most sought-after surgery but it has been replaced by breast augmentation from 2008-2010. Getting a boob job has become a popular plastic surgery procedure that more and more individuals are having. It is no longer limited to TV personalities and celebrities; you can even name several of your acquaintances who had undergone this procedure.

There has been a 14-year ban on silicone implants. In the past, there is considerable risk in undergoing breast surgery. But the advent of technology and medical procedures has led to making cosmetic surgery more advanced. When the ban was lifted by the year 2006, more and more people trusted the use of breast implants and by 2008, it is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure. In fact, there has been a new silicone implant approved by the FDA.

From the survey of plastic surgeons, dermatologists and otolaryngologists, it has been found that the top non-surgical procedure is botox. The top five surgical procedures include liposuction, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty, eyelid surgery and breast lift. It has also been found out that not all botox procedures are handled personally by the doctors themselves but they also assign it to the nurses and staff they employed.

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