How To Have Clear Skin – Start Now For Beautiful Skin
How to have clear skin, is a good question and an achievable goal. Depending on your age and skin condition, it may be an easy goal, or somewhat difficult.
Clear skin is definitely a nice ego booster. It gives a person more confidence and can greatly improve their life.
Whatever your skin type, whether your skin is mostly clear — or covered with pimples, there are some simple steps to help you reach your goal.
Start with washing your face with a gentle cleanser. About twice a day. You want to wash off any excess oil and dead skin. Wash your hands frequently to prevent spreading germs to your face. Avoid touching your face.
Don’t pop your pimples. This can push bacteria deeper into your skin and cause nodules and cysts. It can also spread the bacteria across your face. Plus it may leave a scar.
Apply moisturizer if you have dry skin. Drink plenty of water and get a good night’s sleep.
Wash your clothes, pillow cases, bed sheets and everything else with hypoallergenic laundry detergent. The less makeup you use the better, makeup should also be hypoallergenic, and don’t forget to remove it before you go to bed.
Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, not wearing sunscreen will wreak havoc on your skin. Using sunscreen and limiting smoking and drinking, will also extend your life.
Taking a multivitamin mineral pill will help ensure you get the daily amounts needed for clear skin.
Some foods that are good for your skin are:
- Oysters
- Mushrooms
- Baked potatoes
- Mangoes
- Avocados
- Flaxseed oil
Start a nice exercise routine and you will feel healthier and the perspiring will flush out your pores. And taking a shower right after the workout, will flush the dead skin and germs down the drain.
If you have a more severe case of acne, then you might want to seek professional help. A dermatologist or esthetician will be able to help.