Forget Cosmetic Surgery – Get Yourself Some Anti Aging Hormones
Our modern society is obsessed with youth. Tens of thousands of dollars are spent to have the signs of Father Time removed from our bodies. A nip to lift this, a procedure to tuck that, a pill, cream or treatment to fix something else. But no amount of these largely external procedures can ever really have any real effect on the aging process.
Underneath all this cosmetic fluff the body’s cells are still receiving the chemical messengers from their owner’s sedentary lifestyle which tell them not to be repaired or replaced as their owner no longer has any use for them. Muscle strength continues to wane, bones weaken, metabolism slows, heart and lungs lose strength and power, posture droops, height shrinks, and energy levels are siphoned away.
There is a more effective and far less costly solution to stop accelerated aging, to retain youth and give protection from disease. After all it is a bit pointless to spend big money on cosmetic surgery and other procedures only to have our body continue to age quicker than it needs too..
This something is better than any surgery, pill, or treatment will keep your muscles and bones strong, your metabolism cranking, your energy levels high and disease proof your body. And that something is your own human growth hormone (HGH).
HGH is a youth restoring substance and is considered to be the “master hormone” of the body directing and supporting the function of every gland, organ and body system. Research has demonstrated that HGH depletion is a major cause of aging and the vast array of ailments and infirmities that go along with it.
The main purpose of HGH, this mother of anti-aging hormones is to promote tissue repair and cell rejuvenation in the muscles, bones and vital organs. It peaks at age 30, and then declines by 14 – 50 percent per decade depending on gender, activity level and diet.
Did you know that there is a natural way to increase your levels of this very special hormone? It is called strength training exercise and it works by stimulating the body to produce it no matter what your age. No surprise that cardio exercise (walking, jogging, cycling, swimming etc) doesn’t do much for growth hormone levels.
People who strength train on a regular basis as their primary exercise activity have greater strength and bone density, are stronger, leaner, firmer and shapelier than those who give up strength training in favor of aerobic exercise only. The fact is it is the absence of strength training and the loss of growth hormone that causes the body to grow old more quickly and accumulate excess body fat more easily.
Strength training works because increasing muscle tone fires up the metabolism and keeps the body running at its fat-burning best. People often blame their excess weight problems on sluggish metabolisms when what is really to blame is their lack of muscle.
It is also hard to look youthful without muscle tone. The firm, lean, shapely, well-defined bodies we all would love to own simply aren’t attainable without it. Forget the expensive procedures, get yourself started on a strength training exercise program that will rejuvenate all of your body cells stopping the aging process dead in its tracks.
Put some effort into your exercise program and continue to hold on tight to your youthful looks and vitality for as long as you possibly can.