Did You Know That Winter May Make Your Skin Dry?
Is your skin dry and flaky, possibly even itchy? Any number of things in the winter can strip your skin of the oils that protect the skin and keep it hydrated. This lack of protective oils leads to everything from chapped lips to cracked heals and for many people largely a winter event that repeats each year. Here are a few tips concerning dry skin, dry skin cream, and other ways to combat skin dryness.
No one is immune from dry lips in the winter. The sun and wind dry out your lips and the worse thing to do is to lick your lips as it will make chapped lips worse. Instead drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and keep your lips covered with petroleum jelly, beeswax, Chap Stick, or even dry skin cream. Make sure to wear lip balm or lipstick with sunscreen when you go outside.
Cracked heals and lower legs can get so bad as to become painful. Dry cracked feet can lead to infections which make walking painful. Really dry and cracked heals can be helped by smothering your skin dry skin cream or petroleum jelly, then cover them with plastic wrap and socks overnight.
Washing hands often through out the day helps eliminate cold and flu germs but also dry out your hands. Wear gloves to avoid exposing them to too much cold air when you are outside. Also use glycerin based moisturizer or a good dry skin cream when you wake up and before you go to bed. In addition the keeping them clean, keep them moisturized during the day by using your dry skin cream whenever your skin feels dry.
Your choice of soap is different because the same products that keep you looking fresh in the summer can dry your skin out too much in the winter. Choose a gentle, super-fatted, fragrance-free soap for cleaning your face and showering. Super-fatted means soaps loaded with oils. In addition rubbing on a good moisturizer after a warm shower is an excellent way to keep the skin moist. Keep in mind that a hot shower will strip away more oils from your skin due to the hotter water so showers should be kept short an sweet if you want to add water to your skin.
Some skincare producers make a restorative night formula which is an excellent choice to be part of your dry skin cream treatment each evening before going to bed. These restorative products can stimulate collagen growth in your skin making it less wrinkled protecting your skin from aging.
Winter is a difficult season for skin care that requires adjustments to your skin care treatment if you want to avoid drying your skin. If you would like to learn more about such products then you should take advantage of my research and check out my website