Cayenne Pepper and Acne Treatment

Acne sufferers seem to be receiving a lot of enlightenment to alter their diet structure, thanks to the growing research on the link between food and acne. There is no dearth to herbal formulations and home remedies for acne. Did you know that even peppers can reduce the inflammation of pimples? It may sound weird, but the quest for acne relief has indeed led to such strange discoveries! Cayenne pepper contains Vitamin C and antioxidants that are important nutrients to promote skin health. So, let’s delve into some detail about using peppers for acne cure.

Cayenne pepper, which is widely used for spicing up food, has valuable medicinal properties. In fact, its medicinal use dates back to almost nine centuries! Most of us associate pepper with hot and chilly taste, which is rather unwelcoming for many people. But, what is that magic ingredient that imparts healing qualities to pepper? Capsaicin is considered to be the active acne-fighting ingredient in Cayenne pepper. This ingredient has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and pain-relieving properties. It works in two ways. First it opens your skin pore and steps up blood flow to your skin surface. Next, it kills bacteria hidden within your skin layers. In case, you have sensitive skin, this ingredient can help de-sensitize the skin and provide relief from topical pain caused by circulatory problems. It is the best known herb for improving blood circulation. Inflammation is invariably associated with acne, be it comedones or zits. Severe inflammation is the cause for cystic acne, which is manifested as large and swollen pimples filled with pus. Given that fighting inflammation is the key to treat acne, Capsaicin can be an effective medicine.

How does Cayenne work? Cayenne works by stimulating blood circulation to any sick area in your body. When you consume cayenne, or when it touches your tongue, it is instantly absorbed, as evident from the sensation you get. Your nervous system transmits signals to all parts of your body, so as to send fresh blood wherever required. Further, Cayenne itself contains Vitamins C, E and carotenoids that impart healing; its capsaicin reduces platelet stickiness to alleviate pain. Therefore, it helps you accomplish a natural acne treatment method by treating your system internally. Clearade reviews explain this mechanism very well.

How can you utilize the acne-fighting property of Cayenne pepper? The simplest method is to increase the use of chili peppers in your meals. Herbalists recommend using pepper powder rather than capsules. This is because your stomach prepares to receive the pepper the moment the powder touches your tongue, whereas if you swallow a capsule form, your stomach senses the pepper only a few minutes after the gelatin melts in the stomach; hence, your stomach is caught unawares and you cannot get the benefits of consuming pepper. Alternatively, you may crush the pepper and apply it on your skin. You may also find acne sprays containing capsaicin as an active ingredient, in addition to green tea, cucumber and other ingredients. However, its use in acne treatment is not backed by scientific study. It may cause a stinging or burning sensation or irritate your skin. And, make sure that you’re not allergic to peppers. So, its best to get the opinion of a naturopathy specialist or dermatologist to assess you skin and recommend the right method.

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