A Review Of The HoMedics AntiGravity Massage Chair

The HoMedics AntiGravity recliner is moderately priced and looks quite stylish. There are 4 different models to choose from ranging in price from around $250 to $380. But does the chair deliver a good massage and do the more expensive models give you a good shiatsu massage as HoMedics tell us it does? Well, the massager is good but there are some things I’m not too keen on.

When I first saw the HoMedics AntiGravity massage recliner it reminded me a little of Elvis; you know how people say he had a beautiful profile but when face on was less attractive? Well, that’s exactly what I thought when I first saw it. It’s hard to put into words what I mean exactly but I’ll try.

From the side, this particular HoMedics massage chair looks sleek and very well proportioned. The black, faux leather upholstery and the modern head rest give it a very contemporary look overall. But, as you walk around to the front, the proportions seem to go a little askew. The back of the chair just seems a little too wide and the footrest a little too narrow. It would look better if the top was thinner and both the top and bottom halves of the chair had the same width. But, I can live with how it looks, I guess.

What I like less is the company’s marketing pitch. Its really does go on about its ‘antigravitational properties’ and how you sit in it in exactly the same way as NASA astronauts do when blasting off to who knows where. For the ordinary man on the street, what it really means by ‘antigravity’ is that when fully reclined, your ankles and feet are slightly more elevated than your head. This is undeniable a comfortable position for many, so why the company couldn’t just say this and spare us the NASA techie stuff, I don’t know. It just kind of insults my intelligence.

The model I sat in was the cheapest model, the AG-2101. It comes with 10 motors that give you a vibrating massage. I was a little disappointed with it. These days a vibrating massage can seem old fashioned or cheap when compared to the chairs that give you kneading, tapping, rolling and even shiatsu massages. Besides, I don’t find a vibrating massage very relaxing; certainly not when compared to a chair that kneads you up and down your spine. Anyhow there are 8 programs to choose from as well as 3 massage speeds.

I understand that the more expensive models (AG-3000, AG-3001 and AG-3000S) do offer a better massage; there’s kneading, rolling, tapping and even shiatsu. I doubt if the shiatsu massage is up to much however, not when you’re only paying around $380; a chair that gives you anywhere near a good shiatsu massage costs from around $1,800. If you can, try out a Sanyo massage chair; it really does give you a great shiatsu massage.

Up to now I may have given the impression that I don’t like the chair, but this would be wrong. Actually I do like it. I think it does look stylish (despite the front view) and the massage you get is okay and at a price that is pretty good. Another thing I like about this HoMedics massage chair is that you get heat. I do like heat with my massage and the chair gives it to me where I like it most, in the lower lumbar region.

Would I recommend the HoMedics AntiGravity massage chair? Probably. To my mind it’s a chair for those who want some sort of relaxing massage, but don’t want to spend thousands of dollars and who want a chair that is small, stylish and doesn’t ‘take over’ the living room.

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