Male Hair Removal Techniques

I find it difficult to write an entertaining article about this subject! I will settle for an informative article based on my experience. I swear the girls have a secret club here. Salons do not exactly advertise for male clients. I didn’t even know what an Esthetician was until recently.

It has become more acceptable these days for men to get rid of body hair. Male hair removal techniques include shaving, waxing, sugaring, electrolysis, depilatory creams, and laser. My experience at this time includes shaving, waxing, and depilatory creams. I am originally from the Midwest and getting rid of your body hair was never discussed. You need to be a professional body builder for it to be accepted. Not many guys even shaved their heads.

I moved to the West Coast in 2000 where removing body hair has become more fashionable. I started with my head. I was losing it on top in any case. The trick here is to trim the hair short with an electric razor. Use a guard on the razor. Use a safety razor with a good blade like the Gillette Fusion. Use a good shaving cream, and shave away. Careful of any bumps! Go slow until you know your head. Practice makes perfect. I’ve been shaving my head for seven years almost every day of the week.

I’ve been shaving my stomach and chest every day for a couple of years. I am not entirely satisfied with this method. I just can’t get the skin smooth enough and there is some irritation. Laser would probably be the ultimate here, but if you can’t afford that then shaving is the way to go. Waxing is somewhat expensive, and depilatory creams are tough on sensitive skin.

I like waxing for my back. Over time less hair comes back, and what does is finer. Men’s Nair will work very well on your back also. The least expensive solution is again shaving. I would use an electric razor like the Mangroomer. There is an extended handle that will allow you to reach every area.

Moving on down to a more delicate area of discussion. Shaving just doesn’t do well on your rear end. The skin is sensitive and the hair is fine. Not to mention that there are nooks and crannies difficult to reach. You won’t want to hear this, but waxing is the way to go. Good luck finding a practitioner that doesn’t mind male clients. I will say that wax on your testicles isn’t pleasant! When you get a Male Brazilian it means waxed from back to front. The first time is the most difficult. It does hurt! What can I say, complete grooming is a good thing.

You can shave the pubic area. I recommend a combination of safety razor and electric razor with a guard. Shave the scrotum with the electric razor and use a guard. Do not try to shave down to the skin. The ingrown hairs and small infections that can result just aren’t worth it. Keeping everything trimmed close is best. You have the least maintenance with the greatest benefit.

I recommend shaving with a safety razor for the legs and arms. I haven’t tried waxing, although I’m sure that would work well. I shave my legs and arms in the shower two or three times a week with good results. Soap seems to work well with the razor. I use the Gillette Fusion with soap instead of shaving cream. Soap is easier, and my skin seems to be fine with that.

There you go, hair removal in the privacy of your home. If you have a partner that does not mind helping, use Nair on the back. Otherwise, a razor like the Mangroomer will work well.

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