Killer Food Allergies – How to Determine If You Have Them or Are at Risk of Getting Them

We are becoming more and more aware of the importance of our diet, and that food is information as well as fuel. All calories are not created equal. Celebrity nutritionist, and host of TLC’s “Freaky Eaters,” JJ Virgin states, “Our bodies are more like chemistry labs than bank accounts when it comes to our diets.”

What happens when we eat something that does not agree with us?

True, food allergies are rare, but can be dangerous, and even deadly. Peanuts and shellfish are the most common culprits for anaphylaxis, the condition that can cause potentially lethal swelling of your skin and airways. It frequently requires immediate medical treatment such as anti-histamines and epinephrine, as well as a trip to the ER.

But what about other reactions we have to the foods we eat?

Some people are naturally lactose intolerant, making milk consumption uncomfortable since they lack the enzyme to break down lactose sugar in dairy products. Celiac disease is caused by gluten consumption. The lining of the intestines can be destroyed by an autoimmune inflammation stimulated by the protein gluten, which is found in many cereal grains, pastas and baked goods. People can also be intolerant to the common food additive, MSG.

There is also a more subtle condition called food sensitivities.

Milk, eggs, wheat, soy, corn and peanuts are common causes of sensitivities. This too is an immune response, but more difficult to assess because it often causes a delayed reaction and chronic low-grade inflammation.

Proposed symptoms of food sensitivities include:

* Weight gain

* Muscle and joint pains

* Premature aging

* Congestion, sneezing, coughing and sinus problems

* Problems with digestion, bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea

* Sleep issues such as fatigue, insomnia or restlessness

* Dull hair and problem skin, including acne breakouts and dark circles

* Headaches, brain fog, irritability and difficulty with focus

Lastly, some foods can cause immediate reactions. For example, a sugary soda pop or a donut may give you the jitters within a few minutes of drinking or eating. This sensation is related to a blood sugar spike, which in turn signals insulin secretion. Frequent consumption can lead to insulin resistance and possibly diabetes.

The end result of food allergies is inflammation. This is obvious and often visible with acute allergic reactions, but food sensitivities can cause silent inflammation. This can trigger a cortisol stress response and impede leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full and satisfied. It can also decrease the feel-good hormone, serotonin.

Yikes… this reads like a complicated recipe for feeling terrible, gaining weight and developing chronic health problems.

Here’s What You Can Do

Consider temporarily eliminating the foods that are common offenders: milk, eggs, wheat, soy, corn, peanuts, sugar and artificial sweeteners. This can be done one at a time or all at once. When I work with patients, I will often have them first go off dairy for one week, then challenge their bodies by drinking a glass or two of milk, and follow their symptoms for the next 48-72 hours. This is called an elimination-challenge test. It can be repeated with the other food items. Foods that have caused acute allergies such as hives and airway swelling are strictly avoided.

The book Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis gives great insight regarding the effects that modern wheat hybrids can have on your heart, as well as your gut, and suggests eliminating processed wheat from your diet.

JJ Virgin, author of The Virgin Diet, suggests a 21-day cleansing period in which you eliminate all of the culprits listed above (milk, eggs, wheat, soy, corn, peanuts, sugar and artificial sweeteners), then add items back one at a time, one week at a time, to assess which ones are problematic for you personally.

While I have been talking about food sensitivities with my patients for years, regarding respiratory and GI symptoms, she is the first author I have read to link these issues with weight problems. Her book does a great job of explaining the science behind it and giving good options for what you can eat while figuring out how your body ,the chemistry lab, responds to foods.

Reading food labels is crucial, but it is probably even easier to avoid most foods that have labels and stick with whole, fresh foods. Most of us would do pretty well with a nice piece of walleye, baked with a dab of coconut oil, lightly steamed broccoli and a well-washed apple. There are also pastas and even some baked goods that are tasty yet not inflammatory.

Keep reading to discover the keys for defusing ticking health bombs that could be lurking in your body. Go to Click here to discover the medical secrets necessary to know so you can live a better, longer, healthier life.

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