Honey for Your Acne
Honey is not just a sweet treat for your tummy… it’s actually very good for the skin too. Honey is teeming with compounds that help fight bacteria, reduce inflammation, and hydrate the skin. That is why it is one of the most recommended natural therapies for acne.
The Zit-Zapping Properties of Honey
One of the most remarkable properties of honey is its viscosity. Honey is viscous because most of the water in it is tied up with sugar molecules. When honey comes in contact with small organisms that need water to survive – say, bacteria – it effectively traps whatever water is available and kills these organisms by depriving them of water. The presence of water also makes honey produce hydrogen peroxide, a potent antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agent.
Some types of honey also have high levels of methylglyoxal, another potent antibacterial compound. The low pH of honey also inhibits the growth of a lot of bacteria. What has this got to do with acne, you may ask? Propionibacterium acnes bacteria thrive on acne and make it worse. The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of honey have been proven to kill this bacterium and help clear up skin. In fact, honey’s such an effective disinfectant that it has been used to clean and dress wounds during World Wars I and II.
Honey Against Acne Scars
Besides killing bacteria, honey can also effectively prevent acne scars and make existing ones lighter. This is largely because of the antioxidants that are in honey. These antioxidants clean up free radicals in acne and acne scars that make them appear red and inflamed. Honey also contains compounds that help get rid of dead skin cells and promote the growth of new, healthy tissue. This helps heal broken and damaged skin caused by acne and make it appear clear and flawless once more.
The All Natural Acne Remedy
Compared to other acne remedies, honey is a natural acne treatment that has little side effects. Whereas topical ointments and creams leave your skin dry and irritated, honey locks in moisture on the skin and makes it softer and more supple. A honey facial mask is simple and cheap: just dip a sponge into a bowl of honey and apply a thin layer on your face while gently massaging the skin. Keep it on for about 10 minutes, then rinse off with water.
Licking up the extra honey is good for your body too. The sugars in honey are a veritable treasure trove of energy that’s healthy for the body. Ingesting honey also helps boost the immune system, strengthens and protects the digestive system, and helps protect against cancer and heart disease.
Honey is just one of many natural acne treatments you can use alongside conventional remedies for clear skin. Although it may not be so effective against severe types of acne, its healthy and clear skin benefits are worth a try.