Herbal Skin Care
People today are becoming ever more interested in herbal skin care and herbal treatment for the skin. However, there really is nothing new about these types of all-natural treatments. Herbal skin care was, after all, the original skin care. So how did herbal treatment for the skin fall out of fashion, since the fact that it was practiced for thousands of years gives us a testament to its efficacy, as does people’s increasing newly discovered interest in it?
Well, for one thing, the poorer classes of people did not have the access to all of the secrets of herbal skin care treatment that the aristocracy and the merchant princes had. They knew the basics, but they did not have all of the higher classes’ knowledge. Therefore, when the bourgeoisie ascended and the middle class became the dominant class in terms of numbers and government representation, more people than ever before wanted access to the “inner secrets” of herbal treatment for the skin. This meant that skin care creams and formulae were going to have to become commercialized and mass produced.
Mass production certainly has some benefits, but there is a dark side to it, too. One dark aspect of it is the tendency of mass production to cheapen things and make them more “vulgar”. Another problem with mass production is that it tends to make people lazy. So, when those who are making things start becoming more interested in finding cheap ingredients and materials, and when people who could make those things themselves don’t feel like they have the time and so let those cheap manufacturers do it all for them, the result is often an ineffective product. As skin care become mass produced, people who did not have access to thousands of years of tradition started believing that synthetic, lab-created ingredients or cheap derivatives of natural products could make better skin care products for people. “Who needs herbal treatments?”, they thought to themselves.
The problem, of course, is that they were dead wrong. Synthetic skin treatment creams not only don’t work, they typically are actually harmful. They can and do cause everything from acne and blackheads to skin flaking to skin cancer. They can even cause other health problems beyond skin problems, since substances slathered upon the skin eventually get absorbed into the body.
So now, as science has been advancing and as people have become disgruntled with these worthless, toxic creams and oils, herbal skin care and herbal treatment for the skin are in, and now they are becoming the commercialized products. But this time, the people manufacturing them know a lot more about what they are doing. They are making scientifically formulated creams that contain only organic ingredients that interact synergistically with each other.
Here are the kinds of things you’ll find in one of these truly effective, healthy, safe formulae:
Cynergy TK
Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10
Natural vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol )
Phytessence wakame
Grapeseed oil
Crodamol OP
Where can you find this herbal skin care and herbal treatment for the skin? On the Internet.